Thursday, March 21, 2024 2:30pm to 5:30pm
627 SW 27th Ave, Miami, FL 33135 #FCLECourse Description
Intensive review of civics literacy to prepare MDC degree-seeking students for the Florida Civics Literacy Exam. The Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE) is a computer-based assessment that measures students civic literacy knowledge.
How to Register (MDC Credit Students)
After attending an in-person boot camp session, students have the opportunity to take FCLE at the end of the session. Students who attend an MDC LIVE boot camp session, need to schedule the FCLE through the Testing and Assessment Department. Click on the links below to schedule the FCLE at an MDC test center of your choice or on a remote basis.
This course is intended for students who are currently enrolled or have completed AMH 2020 or POS 2041.
Students are strongly encouraged to utilize the Florida Civics Literacy Exam (FCLE)
Review Module below prior to attending their bootcamp course.
InQuizitive: Formative Adaptive Quizzing
The content in this assessment addresses the four key objectives of the FCLE.
The review questions are in W.W. Norton's adaptive, formative platform named
InQuizitive. Students can attempt questions as many times as they wish to work
towards mastery of the objectives. Students will also receive a personalized learning
path so that they receive more questions on topics they're struggling with.
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