MDC Events

627 SW 27th Ave, Miami, FL 33135

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Student Life will be hosting the following activities for Memorial Day taking place Monday, May 22nd to Thursday, May 25th from 8:00am to 7:00pn and Friday, May 26th from 8:00am to 4:30pm:

1.Memorial Day Info Booth: Student Life will display a trifold with information about the history of Memorial Day and the significance of the day. This will give students the opportunity to commemorate all the lives lost in battle.

2. Students will be encouraged to write a letter to a soldier using the website below. Forgotten Soldiers OutReach will then print out the letters and include them in a care package. This activity gives students the opportunity to thank all the soldiers that continue to fight for our country and remember those that have been lost along the way. Link:

3. Student Life will be displaying the "Missing Man Table". The Missing Man Table is a place of honor, set up in military dining facilities of the U.S. armed forces and during occasions such as service branch birthday balls, in memory of fallen, missing, or imprisoned military service-members.

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  • Vital, Claudia

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