627 SW 27th Ave, Miami, FL 33135
https://mdc.givepulse.com/event/451091-summer-service-in-the-zen-garden-at-padron-campusEvery Wednesday
2pm - 4pm
Meet at Padron Campus Zen Garden
Hosted by the Earth Ethics Institute
You're invited to soak in some sun, relish in vibrant shades of green, and beautify the garden. We will be relaxing in nature while weeding, trimming, planting, and doing some renovations to revitalize the Zen Garden. Come learn how to use AI Plant ID apps to get insights on native plant species, their pollinators, and the caretaking they need. You may even take home some of our harvest vegetables, and plant cuttings to grow plants in your backyard!
This is an opportunity to earn up to 2 volunteer service hours per session and score points for the Civic Action Scorecard.
ES-1: Discover the Native Plants in Your Community (5 points)
ES-2: Plant a South Florida Native Plant Species and Maintain it for at least 3 months (15 points)
ES-11: Clean Up Trash in Your Neighborhood, at a Public Park, or Near the Water (5 points)
ES-18A: Attend or Participate in an MDC or Community-led experience relating to Environment & Sustainability (10 points)